Sports Psychology

The Goal

The goal of UGA Sport Psychology is to be a part of the UGA Athletic Association’s team of professionals helping student-athletes be happy, healthy, and performing well as people, students, and athletes, while also working at team and administrative levels to create and maintain happy, healthy, and productive environments in which the student-athletes live, learn, and work.

What is it?

Sport Psychology is the scientific study of the psychological factors associated with participation and performance in sport. It involves theory, research, and putting that theory and research to work with individuals and teams. Sport Psychology is meant to educate, enhance performance, and increase psychological well-being of athletes, coaches, parents, athletic-trainers, athletic association administration, and other athletic professionals. It comes in a variety of forms including individual and team work, behind-the-scenes consultation with administration and coaches, as well as program development.


How can I get it?

For more information about UGA Sports Psychology, click here.

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