The University of Georgia Athletic Association has initiated the Leadership Education and Development (L.E.A.D.) program to encourage leadership development in our most promising student-athletes. Further, these student-athletes will be provided with the resources necessary to compete for top conference and national awards and postgraduate scholarships (i.e. NCAA Woman of the Year award, NCAA Top VIII award, SEC H. Boyd McWhorter Postgraduate Scholarship, etc.).
High achieving student-athletes are selected to join L.E.A.D. each year during a formal induction ceremony. Following their induction into the program, these student-athletes have the opportunity to meet and interact with local, state and industry leaders.
Our goal is to have at least one annual visit to companies, facilities and areas where superb leadership has had a visible impact on the organization and/or surrounding community. Additionally, these student-athletes will be provided with resources to be competitive for conference and national awards and postgraduate scholarships.
We aim to assist these student-athletes by:
- Reviewing each student-athlete’s current community service, campus involvement, academic and athletic credentials
- Providing resources to improve deficient areas
- Explaining the award nomination processes and providing biographical information on past winners
- Assisting with preparation for graduate school (entrance exams, etc.)
As an incentive for participating in the program, L.E.A.D. participants have the opportunity to compete for a highly coveted graduate assistantship position within the Athletic Association.