ATHENS, Ga. — Georgia senior Tiffany Yue and sophomore Nicholas Yanek have been named to the Southeastern Conference track and field and cross country Community Service Team, according to a league announcement on Tuesday.
The conference names a Community Service Team for each of its league-sponsored sports, looking to highlight an athlete from each school who gives back to his or her community through superior service efforts.
Yue, a native of Lawrenceville, Ga., has donated her time to the following community service activities: Sandy Springs Community Assistance Center (food pantry serving the growing number of families in need during these increasingly uncertain times)…Meals on Wheels Atlanta (low-contact solution keeping older Americans nourished, especially during the most recent COVID-19 crisis)…Volunteers Around the World (participated in medical outreach trip to the Dominican Republic, setting up pop-up clinics, providing medical consultations and distributing medications)…Peer Learning Assistant (providing one-on-one mentoring to UGA freshmen and sophomore students)…Special Olympics Prom…St. Mary’s Hospice House…Food Bank of Northeast Georgia.
Yanek, a native of Bettendorf, Iowa, has donated his time to the following community service actions: UGA Relay for Life (community effort to fight cancer)…Special Olympics volunteer…UGA Miracle (campus student organization that raises money for Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta)…Hunger Bowl (event and food drive for the Food Bank of Northeast Georgia)…Goodie bags for UGA student veterans…Spooky Dawgs (mentoring program through UGA Student Affairs with Clarke County schools)…Volunteered nearly 100 hours at Grady Hospital during the summer prior to starting UGA.