Post Eligible Internship Program


The University of Georgia Athletic Association conducts an Internship Program for all students who have: completed their eligibility; students who are receiving aid and not participating due to a medical hardship, or other students who are receiving aid but have been excused from participation by their coach.  The purpose of requiring service in an internship is to enable the participant to get work experience within their sport or in another area of the department, which will assist them in building their resumes.



Student-athletes interested in the post eligible internship program must meet the following criteria in order to be considered:

  • Recommended by their head coach;
  • Carry a full academic course load (15 hours) of classes; and
  • Maintain contact with the athletic academic counselor for their sport and the Director of Student Services.

Program participants should note that failure to meet academic obligations, as outlined on the Fifth-Year or Medical Scholarship agreements may result in the cancellation of aid during the academic year.  Further, it is expected that student conduct will be consistent with the standards set by the coach for the members of the team.  Failure to behave accordingly may result in termination of aid.

Undergraduate students receiving athletics aid are expected to participate in these assigned internships for 10 hours per week for the term(s) of their internship.  Graduate students receiving athletics aid are expected to participate in the assigned internships for 13 hours per week for the term(s) of their internship.

Heather Jordan

Heather Jordan

Director of Student Services
Office: 706.542.3519

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