#OneUGA Twitter Chat

#OneUGA is a series of virtual conversations hosted by University Housing and Multicultural Services and Programs that engage the University community in discussion about campus life, diversity and the challenges and excitement facing students. The chats create a monthly safe space that proactively supports students in regards to personal and national situations, particularly diversity issues.

January’s #OneUGA Twitter chat of the spring semester is hosted by @UGAHousing and @MSPatUGA. We’re excited to chat with students! This chat is designed as an open forum for discussion about topics related to diversity and inclusion. 

Tag us or use #OneUGA to join the conversation! We’d love to know who we’re chatting with.

We are also live in the Intersection TODAY (January 17th) for our chat with great food and t-shirts, for #UGA to talk in person. #OneUGA

Here’s how it works: we’ll number questions Q1, Q2, Q3 — just respond with A1, A2, A3 format and use #OneUGA so we can keep track.



  1. Use I statements. No accusatory language or combative comments will be tolerated.
  2. Express your opinions in a courteous manner.
  3. This chat is being monitored by university officials and any violations of the Code of Conduct will be reported.
  4. Be open to dialogue that is outside of your comfort zone.


January Questions

  1. What is leadership? #OneUGA
  2. What does it mean to be a #UGA student? #OneUGA
  3. Who are some UGA student leaders? #OneUGA
  4. What qualities does it take to be a #UGA leader? #OneUGA
  5. How does being a student leader help you to grow as a person? #OneUGA
  6. What #UGA organizations do you want to take a leadership role in? #OneUGA
  7. How does diversity show up in student leadership? #OneUGA
  8. Does identity matter in leadership? If so, why? #OneUGA





Posted on

January 18, 2017

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