The University of Georgia Crime Prevention Unit works to provide a safe secure
environment for faculty, staff, and students. The University is an open campus with threats of the real world. This article, constructed by the Crime Prevention Unit, provides general information to help you become better aware of your environment and reduce the chances of you becoming a victim.
Three Basic Personal Safety Rules:
- DO: Stay alert; keep your mind on what’s around you.
- DO: Communicate the message that you’re calm, confident and know where you’re going. Stand tall, walk purposely and make eye contact.
- DO: Trust your instincts. If something does not feel right, it probably isn’t.
Safety in the Public…
- When walking with one other person you reduce your chance of becoming a victim by 63%.
- When walking with more than one other person you reduce your chance of becoming a victim by more than 90%.
- Never walk or jog alone.
- Avoid poorly lit streets, alleys, vacant lots, and parking lots.
- Walk close to the curb surroundings, don’t be overconfidence.
- Attackers look for a passive victim, so walk with a steady pace and appear purposeful.
Safety in your Residence…
- Seven hundred twenty burglaries occur every hour, one every five seconds.
- In a recent year more than 6.5 million burglaries were estimated to have occurred. (One out of every twelve households.)
- List only your last name and first initial on mailboxes and in the phone book.
- Do not allow strangers in your residence.
- Keep all entrances well illuminated.
- Use good deadbolt locks and solid core doors.
- Do not give personal information over the phone.
Safety in your Vehicle…
- Every 33 seconds a car is stolen.
- Carjacking is steadily becoming the crime of choice.
- Always lock your car doors even while you are inside you vehicle.
- From a distance, look around and underneath your vehicle before approaching.
- Look in your back seat.
- Have your keys in your hand and ready to unlock your car door.
Safety in the Office…
- In the average office setting, there is at least one breach of building security.
- Make a difference by taking the “opportunity” out of theft.
- Program 911 or Police phone number into automatic dialing.
- Secure your area and building when leaving.
- Keep purses in locked area.
- Call Police for assistance:
- A strange person
- Help to a car
- Help securing building
Domestic Violence…
- In 95% of incidents of Domestic Violence, women are the victims.
- An estimated 4,000 American women die each year at the hands of their husbands or boyfriends.
- Often he uses intimidation making her afraid by using looks and gestures.
- He can use emotional abuse by putting her down or making her feel bad about herself.
- Isolation is often used though controlling what she does and whom she sees.
- Treating her as a servant, making all the big decisions and acting like the master of castle.
For more information regarding these topics, please contact (706)542-0104 or (706) 542-0411or visit .