What is Credit?

What is Credit?

You might have heard your parents talk about building credit, seen a commercial for credit reports, or possibly discussed it in your finance class. Credit is one of those things that takes a long time to build, but a moment to tear down. It’s something that may...
College Finances : Students Talk Credit, Debit, Saving

College Finances : Students Talk Credit, Debit, Saving

Lisa Fu wrote this article for The Red & Black. To read the original article, click here.  For many college students, entering university is a transition period in which they slowly depart from their parents’ money flow and become more financially...
Paperwork to Expect at Your New Job

Paperwork to Expect at Your New Job

When you are hired for a new job, one of the first stops you’ll make is HR (Human Resources). The nice people in HR will hand you several forms, which you may never have seen before. Below is some information to keep you from feeling too overwhelmed. If you have...
How to Complete the W-4 Tax Form

How to Complete the W-4 Tax Form

Not sure how to complete the complex tax form you’ve just been given at your new job. The following article posted on Business Insider does a great job of explaining the form step-by-step. Starting a new job is exciting. All the paperwork that comes with it, not...
How to Complete the W-4 Tax Form

Cost of Living Calculator

Having a financial game plan is an important aspect of your life after college. Luckily, developing an understanding of the cost of living is something you can do while you’re in school. There is a cost of living calculator on The Georgia Way...
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