Take an Active Role in Your Interview & Ask Questions

interviews1Asking questions during your interview engages the interviewer and shows your interest in the organization.

  1. How long have you been at the company and what makes you stay?
  2. What does a typical day in this type of role look like?
  3. What are this position’s biggest challenges?
  4. What are some of the company’s initiatives regarding learning and developing?
  5. What type of career opportunities may open up in the future for a person starting out in this role, assuming they perform well?
  6. Do you have any reservations about me or my ability to perform this job? (**Be prepared to respond if/when the interviewer brings up weaknesses in your experience/resume).

*Research the company before hand. Be able to discuss company’s culture and how you will add to the work environment. Avoid questions that could be answered through research about the company.
*Be able to speak to strengths and weaknesses presented in you resume and elaborate on your relevant experience.
*Know key phrases in the job posting. Describing what you can offer in the company’s own terms will impress the interviewer and signal you are a great match.



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October 22, 2015

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